Bruckner Orchestra Linz regular concert

April 18, 2007
Brucknerhaus, Linz (Austria)

Conductor: Tomomi Nishimoto
Piano: Benedetto Lupo

1. Prokofiev: Classical Symphony
2. Ravel: Piano Concerto in D major
3. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5

This concert was determined by the success of Praha Promos 2005 Japanese Night (

It was the second time to visit Linz for me, and I felt people there are very unassuming and kind. So, sightseeing there, including the church that Mr. Josef Anton Bruckner had been played an organ and Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, were so much enjoyable.

Brucknerhaus stands along the Danube which the water surface was very shining reflecting the setting sun. The atmosphere around it was so peaceful and I like it very much.

The audience of this concert were almost the local elderly dressed up, and I felt the atmosphere of the lobby with drinks and the concert hall were wonderful and traditional.

Regarding the performances, "Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5" was especially interesting. I had listened this piece by Russian and Japanese orchestras, but in this concert performed by an Austrian orchestra, this tune was significantly different impression, maybe because of the tone color. The rendition was so impassioned. The audience bursted into ringing enthusiastic applause.

I read one of books written by Mr. Kenichirou Kobayashi, who is a Japanese conductor, and it says that it is difficult to be given cheering and clapping at Brucknerhaus. However, in this concert, performers were certainly given big cheers and applause!

The articles for this concert were published in some Austrian newspapers dated on April 20, 2007.

*The related Japanese article.
